Supermassive Games Announces Man of Medan Multiplayer Modes

Bet you didn't see that coming.

Man of Medan

Supermassive Games have announced their upcoming opener to their horror anthology The Dark Pictures, Man of Medan, will be receiving two multiplayer modes, Shared Story and Movie Night. Check out the announcement trailer below.

In Shared Story mode, two players can tackle the Man of Medan experience together online, as each player makes choices that could potentially affect the other player, either positively or negatively. Trying to survive gets a little more dicey when you co-op partner is making their own decisions behind your back.

As for Movie Night mode, groups of up to five players gather round one TV, with each player picking one particular character to make decisions for. Do you try to work together as a group to escape the horror, or do you play selfishly, focusing more on your own preservation than the group as a whole?

In a press release regarding the multiplayer modes, managing director Pete Samuels and game director Tom Heaton had this to say: “Without a doubt, including Online Shared Story Mode as a key feature has introduced a number of interesting design challenges. We’re really pleased with how we’ve tackled those and the end result we’ve achieved. We’re very excited for people to play online with a friend. We believe that it will surprise, and they’ll find it to be a fresh experience in gaming.”

We’ve got a write-up of Man of Medan’s latest build, which included the Shared Story mode, live right now, which you can read right here. Are you excited about the prospect of the multiplayer modes? Sound off in the comments.

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