Starfield: Where To Find Earth

Homeward bound.


Even though games like Starfield gives us literal galaxies to explore in a moment’s notice, one of the most compelling things to do in a space exploration game is to try and head back home to dear old Earth. Setting foot on a variety of alien planets is cool and all, but nothing quite beats returning home and seeing the sights. Starfield is no exception, allowing players to head back to planet Earth almost immediately after they’re allowed to explore the whole galaxy. Here’s everything you need to know about find Earth in Starfield.


Starfield: Where To Find Earth

Earth can be found in the Sol system on the Starmap, which is pretty close to Alpha Centauri and Jemison, the new home of humanity in the city of New Atlantis. You’ll head to the system of Sol during the course of the main questline mission The Old Neighborhood, which sends around various planets like Neptune, Mars and even the orbit around the Earth’s moon. During the course of this mission, you can also take a detour to Earth, but you might not find a lot out there waiting for you.

As it’s explained by Sarah during the mission, the Earth’s atmoshphere began to break down, giving humanity about 50 years to flee to the stars. Humans banded together and began to form new settlements out in the depths of space, while Earth was left to become a shell of itself, with barren deserts and frozen plains being the only thing left on the planet.

With no flora and fauna to speak of on the planet, and very little resources to collect, Earth is probably the least interesting or useful planet in the entire game. Still, there’s always the novelty of seeing how where you live look hundreds of years in the future.

Spoiler: it doesn’t look great.

READ MORE: Starfield: Where To Find The Mantis Suit & Ship

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