Square Enix Shipping Copies Of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Early

Remember: no spoilers.

Final Fantasy 7 remake
Final Fantasy 7 remake

In an effort to combat any disruptions in supplying physical copies of the game due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Square Enix have announced that they’ll be shipping copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake early in Europe and Australia. The news was announced via the tweet below.

While Europe and Australia are receiving copies far earlier than usual, Square Enix state that the Americas should still receive their copies by launch day, as they’re being shipped this week. It’s a unique solution, but for those who are still relying on physical media to get them through the hardship currently facing the world, it’s one that could be incredibly beneficial.

Of course, shipping a game early means that some players will get their hands on copies ahead of the game’s proper launch on April 10th, so Square Enix are asking players not to spoil the contents of the game for other players. Sure, it might be based on a 23 year old game, but the remake contains features and events that are brand new.

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