Sony Sold An Estimated 2.1 To 2.5 Million PS5 Units On Launch

And only half went to scalpers, it seems.


The PS5 has finally launched worldwide and, aside from some scalpers ruining the experience for absolutely everybody, lots of people have managed to get their hands on a unit. Over 2 million people in fact, if some estimates from VGChartz are to be believed.


Over 2 Million Units On Launch Day?

Their preliminary estimates suggest that over the two combined launch days of November 12th and November 19th, Sony managed to shift 2.1 million to 2.5 million PS5 units. In their figures, the £449.99/$499.99 version with a disc drive proved to be more popular than the £359.99/$399.99 digital version, with the more expensive console accounting for 75% of the total sales.


How Are Those Sales Compared To The Xbox Series X | S?

VGChartz also released estimates for the Xbox Series X | S, and according to them, the PS5 has managed to completely outsell the Xbox at launch. The two Xbox consoles sold an estimated 1.1 to 1.4 million units within the first 24 hours of launch, which is still pretty impressive, but it would appear that the PS5 is doing even better.

Now if only I could get hold of one.

READ MORE: All DualSense PS5 Compatible Games

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