RWBY: Volume 9 – Episode 8 ‘Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble’ REVIEW


Episode 7 built up a lot of anticipation for ‘Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble.’ How will the story advance from here with Ruby separated from her teammates? In her current mindset, what would happen to our hero if malevolent forces were to find her on her own, away from her friends, perfect for an ambush?

‘Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble’ begins with Ruby fleeing the group. She screams at Little to leave her alone but secretly follows her. After wandering alone, she stumbles across a mansion. Seeing as the story is inspired by Alice in Wonderland, of course, there is a tea party, but the guests are people from Ruby’s past that Neo has generated.

This is an interesting setup. The cameo from Torchwick is a cool throwback, and the dialogue as each figure tries to bring Ruby down verbally is great. However, some of the illusions that Neo brought up are questionable. It’s understandable why Ruby would regret the deaths of Penny, Pyrrha and Ironwood, but Clover? That was Qrow’s doing. And Lionheart? He betrayed the group to save his own skin.

Cutting to the group looking for Ruby, the dialogue between the team is not that great. Its purpose is understandable – the teammates are scared and worried for their leader, who is in a bad mental state in a new land. However, the writing and delivery lacks any real impact. Why is it Yang delivering these questions, the one who is most familiar with Ruby? Compared to the rest of the writing and performances, this scene is honestly a downgrade from the rest of the episode.

Back at the mansion, the apparitions give Ruby the verbal and physical beatdown of her life. While the previous episode may have seen Ruby break in front of her friends, the writers are relentless with Ruby’s torment here in trying to push her into her deepest, darkest place. Finally, brought down to her knees verbally and physically, Neo is about to offer tea to Ruby with a leaf from the tree when the Cat comes in to save her.

Then, in a twist, it’s revealed that Cat is a villain. Cursed with curiosity, he wants to possess Ruby’s body to go to Remnant. This twist’s efficiency is debatable at best. The Cat is an intriguing character, and the reasoning behind the twist works. However, considering Ironwood’s turn in previous volumes, it doesn’t feel as impactful as it could have been.

What is, though, is when Neo squashes Little under her foot. Despite her having limited character development as Ruby’s ‘guide’ (even though she hasn’t done much guiding), it does feel shocking when Little is so suddenly ‘killed,’ mirroring Ruby’s previous words that people who follow her end up dead.

Ruby drinks the tea just in time for her friends to arrive, and this moment, again, is questionable. One thing that has been a problem in RWBY’s recent volumes is that the team will pose during a significant moment instead of trying to do something. In the final episodes of Volume 8, the team stand doing nothing while Neo tries to sneak a strike on Ruby. If Yang saw her sister in this situation, beaten and bruised, defeated, and Neo towering over her, she would rush to her sister’s defence. It could have even mirrored Jaune’s failing to save the Paper Pleasers, having her rush to save her sister with not enough time.

The tree pulls Ruby and Little’s body into the ground. However, since it’s doubtful whether the writers will kill off Ruby, it’s more likely she’ll regenerate in some shape or form. But now, this is where it gets a little stupid. With Neo successfully getting her revenge, she suddenly mentally breaks. The writers are trying to frame this as her having nothing now that her nemesis is gone, but really? That’s it? Considering what is about to happen, what a boring end to Neo’s character arc.

Since the Cat can’t take possession of Ruby, they take Neo’s body instead, and the animation is so terrifying. When RWBY, as a show, does horror, it does it well. Admittedly, the half Cat, half Neo thing looks a little cheesy, but the actual possession itself is well done. ‘Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble’ concludes with Cat-possessed Neo escaping.

‘Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble,’ as seems to be the theme throughout many of the Volume 9 episodes, varies in quality. Ruby’s beatdown from ghosts of her past takes up most of the episode, but it doesn’t overstay its welcome. It’s both a great scene visually and in the writing. Lindsey Jones’ delivery was fantastic as well. But the dialogue between RWBY searching for their team leader lacked substance, and the twist about the Cat being the new villain of the volume is questionable. However, these are smaller problems compared to the rest of the episode.

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‘Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble’ is overall an enjoyable episode. The interaction Ruby has with ghosts from her past is solidly written and performed, though there are a few aspects that are a little troubling.