Get Schwifty With This Rick and Morty T-Shirt From Damascus Apparel

Rick, Morty, Beth and Summer
rick and morty

You-you-you-you gotta check out this t-shirt, Morty.

Ahead of the most anticipated new season of TV of the year, Damascus Apparel have released a rather eye-catching Rick and Morty t-shirt.

Damascus Apparel

If you know Damascus, you know what to expect: intricate, completely individual designs that you won’t find anywhere else. A monochrome, suitably sombre Rick adorns the front while Morty and a splash of green take the back.



There’s a couple of neat details in the t-shirt, too. The homage to the Cartoon Network logo of old in the bottom right is nice, along with a memorable quote:

“Sometimes science is more art than science, Morty.
Lot of people don’t get that.”

If you want to get your hands on one of these t-shirts, you better act fast: they’re available in a limited run and Damascus tend to sell through new lines really quickly. Check it out here, or visit their website for the full range.

Meanwhile, the second episode of the third season of Rick and Morty lands tomorrow. The wait is so nearly over.

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