Rae Sremmurd – Sr3mm VIDEO REVIEW

So here we have a triple album. A 3-in-1. The first “disc” (implying young people buy CDs and would even refer to this album as three separate discs but essentially that’s what it is) consists of both Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi. Then we have Swaecation (Swae Lee’s solo effort) and the final album, Jxmtro which is Slim’s solo album.

Now in theory, this is a very ambitious concept that I admire. Sure, in the streaming era this could be seen as a cop out and another way to just smash the charts with loads of songs and make that money (Migos did the same thing in January). The difference is though is that this isn’t just 27 songs all piled up on an album, you at least have some variety and changes of pace with the album changes. Notice I did start this by saying “in theory”, though.

The reason why this can work is because depending on who is doing it, it can be pulled off. Outkast were praised for this and that’s because of who they are. Talented rappers with clever wordplay, interesting things to say, humour and excellent production. Rae Sremmurd don’t have those things.

Yeah, they’re fun occasionally on a nice trap banger, but not for an hour and 47 minutes. 100 minutes? Even those fun trap bangers barely show up, there’s like 4 altogether on the whole thing. It’s a complete waste of time.

The production across the three albums is dour. Absolutely dead. No nice melodies, no banging beats, it’s nothingness. Empty songs with two rappers that can’t conjure up any amount of fun even though they’re known for doing just that.

Yeah. I can’t get with this. I explain more in the video and do highlight the tracks that I did like, so make sure you click on the video above to get more detail.

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