Fishing is a mechanic in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl that allows you to catch certain water-type Pokémon.
To catch fish in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, you must first get the Old Rod.
The Old Rod is given to you by a fisherman to the west of Jubilife City.

Talk to him in a small hut on the way to Route 218 and reply ‘yes’ to him and he will give you the Old Rod.

Go into your Bag, and then register the Old Rod to your + button to be able to use it.
Approach a body of water and then press + and select the Old Rod, at which point you will cast your line.

To lure in fish, press A when an exclamation mark appears. You aren’t guaranteed to attract a Pokémon every time you cast a line, but you should expect to encounter plenty of Magikarp.
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