Overwatch: 5 Tweaks For the Next Patch

Overwatch D-VA

Overwatch has consumed the lives of many, including mine. Its perfect blend of cartoonish violence and tight gameplay means that plenty of gamers are still as hooked as they were on launch day, if not even more. Blizzard have basically created the video game equivalent of crack cocaine, and they know it. Overwatch has to be a contender for best game of 2016.

BUT, and just like Tracer and Widowmaker fan art, it’s a big but(t), Overwatch isn’t perfect. No game is, but Overwatch certainly isn’t without its little niggles and imperfections that sometimes hold it back. As someone who’s sunk more than my fair share of hours into the game, here are some small tweaks for Overwatch in the next patch that will definitely make it loads better.


1. Fix competitive play

Overwatch gameplay
Source: fextralife.com

Alright, admittedly this is not a small tweak, but it’s an important one. Since its launch, Competitive Play in Overwatch has been a little broken. One of the worst aspects of the mode is that when one player leaves your time, you’re all penalised. It’s early days, but Blizzard need to get in there with some refinements as soon as possible.


2. More modes

Reinhardt Overwatch
Source: Gameranx

There isn’t a lot of variety in Overwatch, which hasn’t deterred many from staying hooked to it. That being said, will the same people be playing in a year’s time when they’re escorting the same payload for the hundredth time? I know it isn’t really the spirit of the game, but an unranked, almost whimsical Team Deathmatch mode will go a long way towards keeping some playing.


3. Make people realise how important the healer is

Overwatch Mercy

Whether it’s a subtle hunt at the bottom of the screen or a flashing fuck off neon sign, Overwatch needs to let people know that the likes of Mercy need to be looked after. Too many times have I been involved with a match that quickly becomes a defeat because Support isn’t properly being supported. Some players are stuck in the traditional FPS mindset of “kill everything senselessly”, which just isn’t what Overwatch is about. Help the healers, people.


4. Change Hanzo’s Ultimate audio

Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!

Pfft, baby stuff. Our version is better.


5. Shame players into not choosing Bastion


That bell’s annoying as shit, right? Imagine hearing that every damn time you get a kill as Bastion. No more cheap kills for anyone.

Alright, so maybe four and five weren’t entirely serious. Do you have any recommendations that would help the game out? Think any heroes are overpowered? Leave a comment.

Check out our full review of Overwatch here or waste no time with our 60 Second Review below.

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