Norman Reedus on The Walking Dead Return: “The Planet is Going to Explode”

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Many people were righteously mad when the latest season of The Walking Dead ended on a cliffhanger. People have been theorising pointlessly about who met Lucille ever since, but according to Norman Reedus, they should just wait and see. It’s going to be a humdinger.

From an interview with EW Radio:

“Trust me. I think the planet is going to explode. That’s my feeling. It’s so good.

“Every time we go on a promotional tour talking about what’s to come, we all say, ‘Oh my god, it’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to see it’. But it continually surprises me how this show grows and is put together and the execution of it – no pun intended.

“It blows my mind. It just continually reaches a new plateau every single time, and this is the highest plateau we’ve ever been. So just wait. It’s worth the wait. Trust me.”

When discussing the backlash the show has received from fans, Reedus said:

“Sometimes, you make something just to get people to talk. The fact that people are still talking is a huge compliment to how that episode was executed and the acting in it and the writing of it. That’s a good thing.

“I like the controversy, to be honest. For that many people to be that invested in that show and freaking out, I think it’s great.”

It’s worth remembering that whenever they’re trying to hype up the show’s return, The Walking Dead cast always resort to hyperbole. One thing’s for sure, if the first episode of the new season doesn’t resolve the cliffhanger and goes wandering off on some other plotline, there will be a revolution.

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