Naked People Getting Tasered In Slow Motion, Because Art

I mean, there’s not a whole lot more I can say about this; naked people, tasers, slow motion, because art. That really is about all I have to offer here. For this reason, I’ll leave it to the artist, Patrick Hall, to give you a clue as to why he do;

“As a portrait photographer, I am always trying to make people feel comfortable in front of my camera so I can capture a real emotion from them. But what if I was able to make people feel so uncomfortable in front of the camera that I could guarantee an interesting portrait every time?”

So, there you have it, tired of making people feel comfortable in front of the camera for portraits he decided to have a good go at making them feel uncomfortable, and of course what better way than getting them nude, tasering the shit out of them, and filming it all in slow motion. Though, I will say one thing before you get cracking with this video – Patrick might’ve been intending on making these people look as naturally uncomfortable as possible, and he sure achieved that, but one looks quite the opposite.

Methinks someone’s been tasered before, and methinks someone likes it. See if you can guess which one I mean. Good hunting.

If that wasn’t enough naked people getting tasers, check out of the portraiture captured during the shoot HERE, or watch the extended cut below.

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