Mortal Kombat X is Officially on the Way


There have been rumblings for quite some time now, following the success of the last Mortal Kombat and the relative awfulness of Injustice: Gods Among Us, it seemed fairly self-evident that Chicago-based developers Neatherrelm would eschew all the DC nonsense and return to their roots. Likely timed to start the hype train rolling just in time for E3 next week, a trailer emerged earlier today which christened the game Mortal Kombat X and treated us to some lovely CGI bludgeoning from Sub-Zero and Scorpion.

As scintillating (or horrific, depending on your perspective) as that is, it doesn’t give much away beyond a name and a date. What is left unsaid in the trailer is that the game will be released for Xbox One, 360, PS3, PS4 and PC and it will feature different versions of each character with different styles and move-sets (because Mortal Kombat really needed more characters, didn’t it). Presumably we can expect to see some actual gameplay at E3 but for the time being the information seems to suggest that the franchise is playing it safe, ie more brutal than Google’s hiring policy.

Mortal Kombat had kind of faded into obscurity after the days of controversy and terrible movies with awesome drum and bass soundtracks but the last game brought it back into the limelight and it looks like the trend is going to continue. Hopefully we’ll all be yelling ‘FINISH HIM’, ‘GET OVER HERE’ and ‘FATALITY’ at disgruntled former friends for many years to come.

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