May 2022 marks the last month for PlayStation Plus on PS4 and PS5 as we know it. From June onwards, most subscribers in the world will have more options than ever with multiple tiers to choose from, in a move which has been seen as Sony’s best answer to Game Pass, though they are ultimately slightly different services. For one last time, let’s download some “free” games as tradition dictates: adding them to your library and never finding time to play them.
FIFA 22 is comfortably the biggest game of the month, with it being up for grabs on both PS4 and PS5. It’s a safe release for FIFA this year, with very little changing on or off the pitch, leading to a strong but hardly incredible reception. It doesn’t matter anyway, as FIFA will always sell absolute gangbusters no matter what. It’s also going to be completely obsolete in about four months, so get your fill while you can.
Tribes of the Midgard is another PS Plus option for both PS4 and PS5, a Viking co-op game with support for up to ten players at once. A blending of multiple genres with a mythical bent, Midgard didn’t prove anywhere near as big as Valheim at release, though it did make decent enough waves in 2021 for a reason — it’s good fun. A game that’s only really worth diving into if you have plenty of friends for company, though.
Lastly for May, Curse of the Dead Gods is a back-breakingly difficult roguelite that honestly won’t appeal to everyone, even those who loved Hades. Its brand of dungeon crawling is an acquired taste, especially thanks to just how challenging and unfair it can feel at times, though the randomised dungeons and unique curse system means it’s worth a look. You never know: you might end up playing it briefly to try and figure it out, and then find yourself playing nothing else for the rest of the month.
Your May 2022 PS Plus games will be available until June 7th, 2022, the first Tuesday of the month, so you certainly have a lot of time to add them to your library between now and then. Who knows what June will look like as far as Plus is concerned.
READ NEXT: How To Cancel PlayStation Plus
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