Maxi Confirmed For Soulcalibur VI

Soulcalibur VI

We’ve been on the hype train for Soulcalibur VI since its announcement, but things have just hit hyperspeed. Bandai Namco have confirmed that the nunchuk wielding Maxi will be joining the roster. In other news, I won’t have to switch mains when the game comes out.

Given the bloody brilliant nickname of The Dandy of the Seas, Maxi looks fairly similar to how he played in Soulcalibur V, with some familiar combos that combine style and damage, which is pretty much consistent with the rest of the roster. Check it out for yourself below.

Still, the trailer above still doesn’t confirm or deny the recent rumour that Soulcalibur VI would be dropping in September. As we edge ever closer to E3, it’s fair to assume that Soulcalibur VI will feature in some way, perhaps with a final confirmation of the game’s release date. Either way, Maxi will join a burgeoning roster that includes series mainstays like Nightmare and Kilik, returning characters like Zasalamel and newcomers such as Grøh. Not that I’ll be playing as any of those guys though, not when Maxi is in town.

6 Quick Facts You Should Know About Soulcalibur VI
Hands-on Impressions: A Tale of Hype and Love, Eternally Retold

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