The Humble Classics Return Bundle Brings Back The Spirit Of The Oldies

humble Classics return bundle

Games based on old ideas and mechanics are certainly hot properties these days, much in the same way that vinyls are as sought after as they are. Just remember how well Yooka-Laylee did off the back of people crying out for something at least close to a new Banjo-Kazooie game.

If you’re looking to snaffle up some contemporary homages of days gone by, the Humble Classics Return Bundle could be right up your rose-tinted street. As always, this bundle comes packed with a tonne of value far cheaper than the RRP for all of the games.

On the first tier, $1 gets you Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse, Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut, and Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure. Broken Sword has routinely made me feel like a complete and utter idiot, so I might see if I can best it now that I have more fibre in my diet.


The middle tier raises the quality for just a little extra. You get all of the previous games plus Shadowrun: Hong Kong – Extended Edition, Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut – Digital Deluxe Edition, Age of Wonders III, and Xenonauts for just $6.61. I will absolutely watch or play anything post-apocalyptic, so Wasteland is as good as mine.

The best value is probably in the most expensive tier, however. For just $15, you get all of the games already mentioned alongside Torment: Tides of Numenera and Dreamfall Chapters: The Final Cut Edition, plus $2 back in your store credit if you’re a Humble Monthly subscriber, in which case it’s effectively $13.

In other Humble news, this month’s Monthly offering is Dark Souls 3 and its DLC for far cheaper than you will find it anywhere else. This brand new bundle will last for the next two weeks, so get on it while you can.

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