Love him, hate him, or just be entirely confused by him, there’s no denying that Donald Trump is an important part of current pop culture. Every other tweet is about him, the majority of memes have his little old otter face involved in them, and there’s a new video of him saying something dumb every day.
So that’s why Hitman (the video game, not a legit assassin hired by Hillary) is getting involved. For the new Colorado episode, you can hear some NPC dialogue that relates to the presidential candidate.
It kind of sticks the knife in, reminding us that Trump doesn’t do a lot of research and just rolls off a bunch of soundbites. It also infers that Trump supporters need therapy, which is a bit beyond cheeky. Not every Hitman player will be liberal-minded.
This isn’t the first time they’ve ragged on him, either. The Bangkok mission had an NPC threatening to make America great again.
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