If you, like basically everyone else who’s suffered the harrowing experience, played Resident Evil 2 and felt your spirit leaving your body every time you heard the thud, thud, thud of Mr. X just around the corner, allow this mod to make your death far sexier.
Mr. X is typically a cool customer with the wardrobe to back it up, his hat the hottest fashion statement of 2019. If you have always wanted to see what lies under that trenchcoat (as we all have), the Beachboy X mod makes your dream a reality by adorning him in nothing but an Umbrella thong and a pair of sunglasses.
A neat little detail is that his hat has been replaced with the sunglasses, which you can also shoot off to stare into his dreamy, dead eyes. You may also find it tempting to shoot the Umbrella logo, which is located exactly where the shrieking honey badger that replaced his penis is. Umbrella is weird, I wouldn’t put it past them.
Despite all the memeing, Mr. X is still a terrifying enemy that will be remembered by horror fans for years to come, but now he’s also one of the sexiest.
From our Resident Evil 2 review:
“Resident Evil 2 is, quite simply, one of the best remakes of all-time. Capcom have nailed their new vision of a classic just like they did back in 2002 by modernising a decades old game to feel like something completely fresh. Whether you want to take a trip down memory lane or are just experiencing the disconcerting decadence of the police station for the first time, Resident Evil 2 is the first essential purchase of 2019.”
– Resident Evil 2 Guide: How To Open Leon’s Desk
– Resident Evil 2 Guide: How To Solve The Sewer Chess Puzzle
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