GTA V: Bikers Petition for More Content

GTA V bikes

In the hostile lands of Grand Theft Auto Online, a community of bikers has risen up to demand from Rockstar what they desire most: some bike-themed DLC.

A total of 70 motor biking crews for the online game have come together to ask GTA developer Rockstar for DLC that suits their needs. In fact, a petition has already been created which revolves around the issue – and it’s already amassed more than 3,500 signatures.

In the petition, six demands are laid out, which consist of things like realistic biker clothing (leather vests, biker boots, and all that jazz), as well as a bike shop which caters solely to customising motorcycles. Attached on the bottom of the petition is a list of all the online crews who agree with the need for biker-themed goodies… and it’s vast. When you remember that each crew has at least a handful of players involved, it becomes clear that the demand from bikers isn’t a small-time thing.

As well as the petition, the bikers of GTA – specifically, the YouTube page ‘Banished Breed’ – put together a brief video justifying their concern. In the video, they remark on how despite being Rockstar’s “most dedicated and well-organised fans”, they’ve received no compensation or content catered to them. In their words: “after nearly 23 updates, we’ve hardly anything to show for it.”

The video goes on to compare the biker’s plight to the other kinds of crews in the game. For example, if you’re a big military fan, then Rockstar have been releasing content like heists and Ill-Gotten Gains which apply specifically to that demographic. They even touch on the fact that more ‘urban’ gangs now have access to the recent Lowriders DLC – and that just ain’t right.

“Where’s the update for the true fans?” the narrator says.

Personally, I’d love to see Rockstar respond to these demands by releasing some biker content. I play my fair share of GTA Online, and while I wouldn’t consider myself a ‘biker’, I do enjoy riding the motorcycles in the game. With the rate at which free DLC is being pumped out for the game, I imagine it won’t be long before we do indeed get something similar to what’s being laid out. Here’s hoping it’s sooner rather than later, so that things don’t become sinister.

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