Fortnite Chaos Rising: Complete A Motorboat Time Trial

Vroom, and so on.

Motorboat Time Trial 3

Week 9 of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 has touched down, and in tow comes the ‘Chaos Rising’ mission. A rather promising week so late in the season, with Chaos Rising offering an interesting smattering of challenges and challenge types for player to get stuck into.

This article will focus on the challenge: ‘Complete A Motorboat Time Trial’. Like last week, this is another time trial related challenge, but requires the use of a motorboat to complete instead of swimming.

There isn’t particularly much to this challenge outside of finding a boat and then the starting line. Basically, once you find a boat, you’ll need to head to the starting line and pass through it to begin. Once you do, marker/rings will appear and you just need to guide the motorboat through them before the timer expires (there is no visual timer, only an auditory one). The sound that tracks the time will speed up as it gets closer to finishing, so use that as your guide for how fast you’ll need to take things.

Below is a map of the time trial starting location.


Motorboat Time Trial Start Map

Motorboat Time Trial

As you can see, the time trial is located on the map’s central lake, with the starting location near the northeastern side of the lake.

Below is a closer picture of the time trial start location and nearby motorboat spawns.


Time Trial Start And Nearby Motorboat Spawns

Fortnite Motorboat

The time trial start location is circled in red. There is a pier on the northern coast of the lake and it’s just off this pier you will find the time trial start. You will find it at E4 on the main map’s grid.

The lake itself also conveniently has at least three motorboat spawn locations, which are circled in purple. One can be found on the same pier near the time trials start (northern coast). Another can be found on the central island’s pier, very close to the northern coast’s pier. And the other can be found on the southern coast’s pier, towards the east.


Time Trial Start Location

Motorboat Time Trial 2

If you look directly out from this pier as shown in the image, you will be able to see the time trial start location when the challenge goes live. Simply grab a boat and sail through the rings/markers in order and fast enough to complete this high speed swim challenge.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.

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