The penultimate week (Week 9) of Season 6 is here and with it brings a challenge, not so different to from last week’s ‘Clay Pigeon’ skeet shooting challenge. Like said skeet shooting challenge, you’re required to find an interactive object out in the world and play the little mini-game to achieve a set score and then repeat the process at a different location to complete the challenge.
Unlike last week, however, the item in question is completely different, being freshly added to the map, which are referred to as ‘Carnival Clown Boards’ (creepy, I know). You’re required to get a score of ten at three different Carnival Clown Boards. A score of ten might seem intimidating considering the Clay Pigeon challenge only required three, but that is not so. You don’t even need a weapon to complete these boards, just a pickaxe and hopefully no interruptions.
To get points, all you need to do is activate the board, the holes in the board will begin blowing up and you just need to pop them to get a point. Swinging your pick wildly at the balloons is undoubtedly the easiest (and least dangerous) way of doing this challenge. The challenge ends when a balloon pops without you hitting it, signalling that you failed. The balloons themselves do not come out that fast and getting ten in a row is not very challenging. Not getting shot whilst doing it, on the other hand, is.
As you can imagine with a challenge like this, the difficulty lies in actually finding the Carnival Clown Boards. They’re not particularly big or noticeable, so can be easily overlooked by people with more pressing matters. To keep things simple we have a map with all their locations marked in red.
Carnival Clown Board Map
As you can see, only four have been discovered so far. There is almost assuredly some more nestled away somewhere as Epic usually builds more redundancies than just the one into a challenge like this. Regardless though, you only need to use three different ones, so there is still enough information present to complete the challenge, you might just have to travel around a bit more than usual.
Lonely Lodge Carnival Clown Board
Just southwest of Lonely Lodge (northeast of Retail row), is a small unnamed caravan park. Slightly to the north of this location is a small picnic area that has a Carnival Clown Board present. I5 on the main map’s grid.
Junk Junction Carnival Clown Board
Directly east of Junk Junction is a new area (constructed during Season 6) that acts as the starting line for an offroad racecourse. You’ll find a Carnival Clown Board here, on the intersection of C1 and C2 on the main map’s grid.
Paradise Palms Carnival Clown Board
Northwest of Paradise Palms and south of Retail Row, you’ll find a bridge where the desert fades into grassland. Very slightly south of this bridge is a Carnival Clown Board. You’ll find it H7 on the main map’s grid.
Pleasant Park Carnival Clown Board
This is the easiest of the boards to find. In the southeast corner of Pleasant Park, near the soccer field is a board. C4 on the main map’s grid.
Remember, you need to achieve a score of ten for you to receive credit towards the challenge. Otherwise like most challenges in this vein, finding them is the item is question is usually the challenging part. If you’re looking for our typical weekly overview of the challenges, you can find it here. Otherwise that’s it for the second to last week of Season 6.
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