Fortnite 2 – Season 1 Vaulted Items: Chug Jug, Slurp, Shockwaves, Heavy Sniper & More

There are some pretty wild ones in here.

With a new season of Fortnite comes a whole bunch of change. As Fortnite Chapter 2 is the biggest change to the game since it launched, you better believe that the list of vaulted items is long and pretty damn surprising.

Ranging from items that have been in the game from almost the start to items that only just made a return, it’s a pretty comprehensive list. Epic clearly want this to be a completely fresh start for the game.

As they haven’t released official patch notes just yet, it’s been left to the community to find out what’s been vaulted and what remains. Via OrbedFBR, here’s everything that’s been vaulted in Fortnite 2’s first season.


Fortnite 2 – Season 1 Vaulted Items

Automatic Sniper Rifle
Bounce Pads
Campfire (trap item)
Chug Jug
Chug Splash
Flint-Knock Pistol
Grapnel Gun
Hand Cannon
Heavy Assault Rifle
Heavy Sniper Rifle
Infantry Rifle
Junk Rifts
Launch Pads
Shield Bubbles
Shockwave Grenades
Slurp Juice
Stink Grenades
Suppressed Assault Rifle
Suppressed SMG
Tactical SMG
Vending Machines

There are plenty of shockers in here, including some that don’t make a tonne of sense. The healing items going is perhaps the oddest one with us now effectively being back to the bare basics.

They’ve also removed pretty much all forms of mobility with there not being much in the game as it stands, though Epic might start adding them back eventually.

The Minigun, Chug Jug, and Launch Pads are the oldest casualties of this vaulting with them being a part of the game and never having been vaulted since.

We will update this list when Epic release the official patch notes.

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