Final Fantasy XV Delayed To November

final fantasy 15

If you’re an avid fan who was desperately scratching tally charts into the walls to mark the days until the release of Final Fantasy XV, then I’ve got some news that’s going to ruin your day big time: the highly-anticipated game has been delayed from its original September release date to November 29.

Director Hajime Tabata tried to sugarcoat the news of the delay in the video below by talking about how they need a little extra time to make the game as good as it can possibly be, before confirming that we will need to wait an extra two months before we can play it.

Final Fantasy XV will be a reboot of sorts in that it will ignore the previous games in the series (which isn’t a first for Final Fantasy) and will instead take place in a world similar to modern-day Earth, with the nations being at war over crystals that grant the user power beyond comprehension. The game’s combat has been compared to that of the Devil May Cry games, so we’ll have to wait until November to see if this more action-oriented approach works for an RPG series that has always been renowned for its turn-based action.

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