Elden Ring: How To Sprint

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

Elden Ring gives players unmatched control over the kind of Tarnished they want to be, with more tools at their disposal than in any Soulsborne game to date. One of the best tools? Your legs, to help you to run away from the ghouls of the Lands Between.

To sprint in Elden Ring, players just have to hold down their roll button. On PS4 and PS5, hold circle. On Xbox, hold B. Players can also do this while on Torrent, the Spectral Steed that you get early on, to get them to canter. The game doesn’t really outright tell you how to sprint, though it is the same control method as in other Soulsborne games.

Sprinting is also vital to help you escape traps in dungeons. Sprinting doesn’t consume any stamina, though rolling does. Players can’t use items while at a full tilt sprint and must return to normal movement speed. With such a vast world to explore and countless enemies to retreat from, sprinting has never been quite as important in a FromSoftware game, except for perhaps in Sekiro.

What will you be running away from first in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring is available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X & S, and Xbox One.

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