Ed’s New Year Gaming Resolutions

Red Dead Redemption 2

At the beginning of the year, we tend to make lengthy lists detailing all the great things we are going to accomplish over the next 12 months. I have penned a few unachievable goals in regards to getting fitter, eating less etc, but I have never set myself one for gaming. Video games are a very important part of my life, they are a way in which to escape, unwind. Unless you’re playing Battlefield 1, in which case they just wind you right back up again.

So instead of having a tick list that will remain firmly unchecked over the coming months, I thought I would give myself a few things to accomplish in regards to video games. Here are my gaming resolutions for 2018.


Give more support to indie games

Rogue Legacy

Let’s face it: big developers aren’t going to toss and turn at night if someone doesn’t buy the latest FIFA or Battlefield game. I felt that I have given them more than enough time and money and thus I should start to focus my attention on those who may not have a multi-million-pound empire behind them. Buy buying more indie games and giving the developers feedback, it is an ideal way of supporting studios who are, perhaps, more in tune with the average gamer. These people are gamers themselves and want to make something that everyone will enjoy.

Games like Blackwake, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, Guts & Glory and Sword with Sauce are just four names of some of the games you could support. Steam makes it incredibly easy to do so and also to give feedback to the developers so they can continue to make what are already great games into even better ones. Plus you get the self-satisfaction of knowing that you are buying ‘local’. Think of it as going to your local independent coffee shop for a drink instead of Costa.


Not to get emotionally crushed when RDR2 is delayed again

Red Dead

This one is a long shot. The longer I wait, the more I think they are actually going to release RDR2 on time. I am already steadying myself for the inevitable press release from Rockstar in which is states that it has been delayed again so they can fine tune the game. I must stipulate, though, that most of the time when a delay happens it means that they are making sure the game is as good as it can be on release day. No one wants a repeat of Assassin’s Creed: Unity. But at the same time, the fact that they dangled a rough release date in front of us merely to snatch it away again meant that they were never ready to let us mere mortals catch a glimpse of RDR2.


Finish Life is Strange

I’ll be honest, I picked this up a while ago and never thought to play it. It sat there, rather forlorn in my Steam library waiting to be installed. I started playing it in the New Year and I was hooked. The storyline, the voice acting, the moral choices you make which then have a direct impact on the rest of the story are nothing short of amazing. Yes, the graphics aren’t as up to scratch but that is part of the charm. That and the music makes it for one absolutely brilliant game. I love the fact that your choices directly impact the story. So, one of my resolutions is to finish both Life is Strange and its sequel Before the Storm because they deserve to be played and enjoyed.


Buy PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and try to not die in the first 30 seconds

PUBG Xbox One

A big ask, I know. I can just about make it through thirty seconds in Battlefield and while these two games are very different, I feel that I might stand a slight chance. Either way, it’s time find out what all the fuss is about. I want to experience the terror of trying to get to one part of the map without being killed in the process so I thought I would try my hand at playing a game that is continually setting both Twitter and Twitch alight.

I feel that these are eminently achievable and hopefully I can tick these off and actually complete a resolution list for once.

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