Dying Light 2: Beeswax


“A rare find. Could be fashioned into an armful decoration or turned into a candle.”

Beeswax is a rare valuable in Dying Light 2 that can be found in lockers in dark zones. Despite the low rarity of it, beeswax is actually very difficult to find, with us only finding a few across a whole playthrough.

Beeswax can be sold to merchants for 60 Old World Money, which seems a little low for just how uncommon it is across The City.

Beeswax serves no purpose as a valuable, so feel free to sell it the first chance you get, even if you want to make some candles. Maybe that will be introduced in Dying Light 3.

Dying Light 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.

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