Who would want to be in an anti-piracy company? As well as fighting an always losing battle to stop games from being cracked, you may have to face the music when your private emails are compromised, too.
After Resident Evil 7, a game Denuvo had tried to make secure with DRM, was cracked just five days after release, their bad week has become a whole lot worse. Thanks to someone basically forgetting to lock the door, their website offered up private emails to the public, which have, of course, now been shared online.
It isn’t quite as juicy as the infamous Sony leak with most of the emails being customer complaints and enquiries, but there is one email from someone at Capcom asking about potentially hiring them for a project. You can put two and two together to realise that Denuvo had a new client soon after.
Here it is:
“This is Jun Matsumoto from CAPCOM Japan. I have a interested in the Denuvo Anti-Tamper solution to protect our game software. If you have a white paper about details, please send me. (ex. platform, usage, price, etc…) And, if you have a sales agent in Japan, please tell me the contact point. Thank you for your cooperations.”
The rest of the emails aren’t quite as interesting, and are pretty much just expletives from disgruntled gamers asking how dare they use DRM to try to protect games from piracy. There is one from Googler Jan Newger, though:
“I’m working in the security team at Google, and would like to evaluate the denuvo product to get an understanding on how it would integrate with existing solutions
“I’m specifically interested in further strengthening existing solutions to hinder understanding/tampering with binary programs. Is it possible to obtain some kind of demo version of the product? Also, could you send a quote to me?”
As for the angry gamers, here’s a true gem:
“Why do you have to make such shit software to fuck over pc gamers with DRM bullshit. Please inform the companies you work with that if your DRM is implemented on games they are selling, they will lose thousands of customers.”
At this time of writing, crackers have been combing through the rest of the contents to see if there’s much to get excited about.
They have found a slide presentation.
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