Try Not To Overreact, But Cyberpunk 2077’s Twitter Just Got Updated For The First Time Since 2013

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is the biggest enigma in all of gaming; there’s no point even questioning it. Since its tantalising teaser reveal way back at the start of 2013, new information has been as difficult to find and just as exasperating as the hunt for Dandelion in The Witcher 3.

We know a few things, but not really enough to get a proper feel for what kind of game Cyberpunk 2077 will be. It’s definitely going to be an open-world RPG, but how big a part will its multiplayer play? Well, we might be one step closer if someone can translate this clear code posted on the game’s Twitter account.

This is the first activity from the account since way back in 2013 when it was patting itself on the back for an award. To give you an idea of just how long ago that was, we weren’t even a website then, Breaking Bad was still going, and the world was going to shit but not quite as swiftly as it is now.

I am trying to decode this tweet, but the best I can do is to convert the letters in the word into corresponding numbers, so we’ve got 25526 (I think). If we go ahead and splat some brackets in-between those, we get 25/5/26 and a date. The game is coming out in 2026. You heard it here first.

Wait, what if this is all a marketing ploy to buy some new tickets to the hype train? Well, yeah, it is, but let’s jump on this ride and see where it goes.

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