Cyberpunk 2077 Won’t Have A Morality System

Well, at least the game won't judge you for killing Keanu Reeves. Can't speak for everyone else.

Cyberpunk 2077

While most RPGs like Fable, Fallout and Mass Effect have a tendency to browbeat players with their looming morality mechanics, CD Projekt Red have decided to continue the philosophies started in The Witcher 3 by not adopting a morality system for Cyberpunk 2077.

During an interview with Gaming Bolt at E3 2019, quest director Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz was asked about whether or not being able to complete the game non-lethally confirms that Cyberpunk would have a morality system. Tomaszkiewicz told GamingBolt that there wouldn’t be a clear-cut, good vs evil, and the non-lethal playthroughs depend more on how you customise and level-up your character rather than not wanting to play as a scumbag:

“We don’t have a moral system per se. However, to complete it non-lethally you have to be very good at stealth. Invest in points that allow you to stealth better, use weapons that will allow you to incapacitate the enemy instead of killing them, to make the moral choices that will allow you to avoid killing people throughout the game.”

Cyberpunk 2077 will be out on April 16th, 2020 for PS4, Xbox One and PC, and it would seem that the game won’t judge you if you accidentally kill Keanu Reeves. The game won’t anyway. The rest of the world might have something to say about it. Are you excited for CD Projekt Red’s latest? Let us know in the comments.

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