Aspyr Working On Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Remake

An elegant game for a more civilised age.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

It’s been rumoured for a while that a remake to the classic game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has been in the works, but recently it’s been confirmed in reports that Aspyr Media will be the ones developing this remake and bringing it to modern platforms.


How Do We Know Aspyr Are Developing The KOTOR Remake?

The news comes from Jason Schreier, noted Bloomberg journalist and one of the first responsible for breaking the news that a KOTOR remake was happening. Yesterday, he spoke to Ben Hanson of MinnMax on YouTube, saying that: “This is public at this point, I’ve basically confirmed that Aspyr – which is the company that has ported a bunch of KOTOR games is working on [the remake].”

Eurogamer have since corroborated the report with their own sources, stating “while the developer is known for often releasing straight ports, work is currently underway to make the project more of a remake instead.”


Who Are Aspyr Media?

Aspyr Media are an Austin, Texas based game development company who, at the moment, are specialising in the releasing ports and remasters of older games, including Stubbs The Zombie and the recent wave of classic Star Wars titles.  Modern ports of Republic Commando, Jedi Knight and Episode 1 – Racer are all the work of Aspyr.

As hinted at by Eurogamer, the KOTOR remake looks like their biggest project to day, as they’re aiming for the game to be more like a remake than a straight port. The company does have experience with the KOTOR series though, as they were responsible for porting the original game to Android devices in 2014. A year later, they ported the sequel over to Linux.


Are BioWare And EA Involved?

It would appear not, with Schreier himself tweeting back in February 2020 that if a remake was happening, it wasn’t at EA. In January of this year, reports also emerged regarding this remake, reiterating that EA and BioWare would not be involved in its development.

READ MORE: Star Wars: Republic Commando (Switch) REVIEW – Roger Roger

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