Hitman’s next elusive target will be active in Marrakesh from 14th October for a whole seven days.
Code-named ‘The Fixer’, players will have only one chance to take him out. If you mess up, that’s your lot. Io-Interactive have stated on social media that players must be ‘sure to pay attention to all objectives’, hinting at a further complication or two which will no doubt ramp up the difficulty.
Previous elusive targets have mostly taken place in Paris, which makes complete sense considering the episodic nature of the game. Every Hitman player will have downloaded Paris, so I appreciate that the developer is catering their live component to as many people as possible. Today’s announcement is great news as there has only been one previous elusive target in Marrakesh, and that was months ago, so it’s going to give players a perfect excuse to go back to one of the locations that has been criminally under-used so far.
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