4A Games Announce New Metro Game Is In Development

Lots of Metro news for you today.

4A Games and Deep Silver have announced that they’re working on a brand new Metro game developed for the ninth generation of consoles and PC. This news comes as part of a 10th anniversary celebration of Metro as a gaming series, with a timeline video that you can enjoy for yourself at the top of the page.


A New Metro Game?

Yes, and by the sounds of the press release, it’ll only be developed for the PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | S, as only the ninth generation of consoles was mentioned. According to 4A and Deep Silver, this new game will feature “a complete overhaul of the engine and renderer to take advantage of the new power, storage and hardware supported ray tracing afforded by the new consoles”.


Any Other Metro News I Should Know About?

Plenty, apparently. Metro Exodus players will be pleased to know that the game will receive next-gen console updates in the near future, taking full advantage of features like faster frame rates, increased resolution, reduced loading times and ray tracing to provide a more impressive overall experience. A release date will be announced soon.

On top of that, 4A Games have also announced that they’re toying around with the idea of a multiplayer Metro experience, utilising the partnership with Saber Interactive to do so. In a blog post about the announcement, 4A state: “As a small studio we have never been able to do justice to these ambitions, and our ideas have never made it beyond the prototype phase. But with Saber’s experience in online gaming, we are now actively exploring multiplayer concepts that will offer a new way to experience the world of Metro.”

The idea of a multiplayer experience is likely one that’ll be met with a certain skepticism for many, but 4A Games wants to reassure players that this won’t come as a detriment to the single-player: “We’re not looking at multiplayer as a box-ticking exercise, or to jump on some trend or bandwagon. As creators, we want to explore a multiplayer experience that makes complete sense in the Metro universe.”

4A added: “We’re also committed to ensuring that whatever we do, it’s not to the detriment of our single-player ambitions. We’ll need a dedicated team focused solely on the online component, and this is what our new partnership with Saber can bring; years of expertise, technology, and know-how to help us realise our ambitions.”

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