It’s time to ravage your wallets yet again everyone! Another long-run Steam Sale is under way from now until July 4th. As usual there are a ton of choices and some great deals to be had if you’re selective. Checking off titles from your wishlist is usually a good first step, but sometimes the best gems are titles that you’ve never even heard of. Here are a few personal picks that I think look promising.
Faster Than Light (-70% off)
This game rocks. If you enjoy resource management, roguelikes, and sci-fi, this is the game for you. While not heavy on the graphics the game still presents itself in an attractive manner and focuses more on delivering solid management gameplay. You have a ship, a crew, some resources, and a mission. Events are randomised each play providing great replay value. With an already low regular retail price this game is a steal at 70% off.
Talos Principle (-75% off)
This title seems to come on sale semi-regularly, though 75% is a great deal. The graphics in this game are absolutely gorgeous, even by present standards, though the focus of this game is really the puzzles. If you are a lover of puzzles, philosophy, and a good interactive story then I highly recommend this title. Not an action title and definitely not recommended for those with short attention spans.
Shadow of Mordor (-75% off)
This game is great fun. It features a lot of depth, alongside innovative game mechanics that provide the player with a vividly immersive game experience. Some have criticised its gameplay controls on the PC, claiming that it’s better suited for console gamers. I agree to some extent, but I would not dissuade PC gamers from picking up this title. I’ve had many fun hours with this game and there is plenty of DLC to keep you going if you like what you find.
Don’t Starve (-75% off)
Another great game for a great price. This survival game has earned itself a lot of praise due to its attractive and original art direction, along with its superb game mechanics. The cute yet dark style hints at a game that is deceptively unforgiving, largely due to its focus on time management. You will starve. You will die. It really is just a matter of time, unless you make consistently smart decisions. This game takes little time to figure out, but demands hours of gameplay to master. Great return on your tiny investment.
Dragon Age: Origins – Ultimate Edition (-75% off)
While I can’t say much on the ‘Ultimate Edition’ end of things, I can tell you that the ‘Plain Old Edition’ was a really fun game to play. Dragon Age has received a lot of attention since its release and for good reason. Good graphics, good story, good gameplay and great replayability are factors that add up to a great return on your dollars. If you’re a lover of fantasy and don’t mind reading a lot of dialog then you’re likely to get a lot of mileage out of this one. Heck, maybe by the time you’re finished the sequel will be on sale.
South Park: The Stick of Truth (-75% off)
This game. If you hate South Park you’d best just keep scrolling, but you if (like me) love Parker and Stone’s work then you won’t be disappointed. On the surface, this game feels like an interactive episode, but it is so much more. You can tell that the creators did their homework with the development of this title as it is far beyond the typical popular media inspired game title conversion. That being said, I can remember when this game first came out and retailed for about $60, which wasn’t really worth it for me. $10 is more than fair for this title though.
The Witcher & The Witcher 2 (-85% off)
Both of these games have received a lot of positive feedback from players over the years. Part of a very immersive fantasy world, the second title continues directly from the first. Each game is rich enough, featuring a ton of depth and hours of gameplay. These two titles are on sale separately, though at just a few bucks each why not grab the two? Having both will definitely keep you occupied, while getting great dollar mileage. There is a bundle pack that includes the third and latest game of the series, though I feel the sale on that item (-55%) isn’t as good of a return if you have yet to play the first two titles. My guess is that by the time a player exhausted the first two, it is likely that the third will be available for a better price. Just a thought.
BioShock Triple Pack (-85% off regular price)
You can own all three BioShock titles for the same cost as a modest lunch. That’s not too shabby if you ask me. These games have been praised by many over the years for their gameplay and stories. In fact, I don’t actually have these in my library (EDITOR NOTE: Unacceptable!) but I think I’ll be changing that right now. Damn you Steam. Damn you.
Borderlands “Take Over Your Life Bundle” (-82% off regular price)
You can get all the Borderlands you’ll ever need for a great price with this Steam bundle. I’ve had many great hours playing this game with friends. This first person shooter is pretty high octane with a classic arcade feel. Good for short sessions or long. Great fun as a single-player but much better as a multi-player or co-op gaming experience. With all the content of the bundle you’ll have hours to spend before exhausting yourself. Well named and well priced.
Fable – Anniversary (-85%)
I can’t say that I would ever recommend this game at full price, but at this rate I definitely can. If you’re a single-player stickler who just likes to quest in a rich world of choices, you’ll be happy to have this game in your library. Another great return on dollars for hours of gameplay. There’s even two DLC packs that are also on sale if you fancy to stretch your Fable experience, not to mention a free modding DLC.
Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons (-90% off regular price)
Hey! This one has actually been on my own wishlist for a while. While I can’t say personally how this game is (yet), at first glance the story seems rather enthralling, not to mention that the presentation looks gorgeous. This title boasts overwhelmingly positive feedback from players and with this sale on it costs about as much as a candy bar. I just scooped this one up… and I need to cut myself off now. Moderation, right folks?
Civilization V: The Complete Edition (-92% off regular price)
Wow. Someone wants to push this game into your library. 92% off is an incredible deal for something so highly critically acclaimed. What more can be said about this title that has not already been said? You’ll get hours out of this game. Hours. You have been warned. If you’re a strategy gamer chances are you’ve already played or own this game, but if not then what are you waiting for?
These are just a few picks that grabbed my attention while browsing the lists. I hope these recommendations help you out for the sale. Don’t forget, grabbing games on sale is a great way to passively save some money, but try not to thrash your wallet too much.
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