World of Warcraft Receiving Diablo III Style Challenge Dungeons


A new build recently went out on the World of Warcraft: Legion Alpha servers which included the new revamped Challenge Mode now called Mythic+. This will be similar to how the current Diablo 3 greater Rift system works.

As it currently stands, in-game dungeons have 3 main difficulties, Normal, Heroic and Mythic which has a weekly lockout. These three difficulties are pretty easy once you have the gear and know the boss mechanics – you can steamroll your way through them in no time at all. You also have Challenge Mode where you race against a timer and gain either a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal based on how much time was left once you have killed the last boss. Currently these award Achievements, Mounts, Titles and Transmog weapons by completing, the higher the medal the better the reward.

Currently Mythic+ on the current Alpha build works by entering Mythic Halls of Valor (the only Mythic available in this build) players will then interact with a pedestal at the entrance and use a Challenger’s Keystone. Once you use a Challenger’s Keystone players will then see the modifiers that will be applied to the Mythic+ dungeon and once players click “Start Challenge” they are then given a time limit to complete the Mythic+. If they succeed the keystone then gets upgraded to the next power level (or by more than one if the timer is completely steamrolled).

As long as you are not using a keystone that was used to start a failed run at that level, players will also receive loot.

At power levels 3+ and power levels 6+, additional modifiers will be unlocked increasing in challenge as it stands on the official Warcraft forums these are:

Available at power level 3+:
Tyrannical – Bosses have significantly more health and damage.
Bolstering – Non-boss enemies will buff nearby allies’ health and damage when defeated.
Raging – Non-boss enemies will enrage at low health, dealing double damage until killed.
Teeming – Additional non-boss enemies are present throughout the dungeon; kill count requirement increased.

Available at power level 6+:
Necrotic – Enemy melee attacks apply a stacking debuff that deals damage and reduces healing received.
Volcanic – Enemies cause eruptions of flame beneath the feet of distant players.
Skittish – Tanks generate much less threat.
Decay – All players suffer damage over time while the challenge is active

Some of these changes sound really fun and I can’t wait to get hands on in Mythic+ when the Legion servers go live. What I look forward to the most is at higher levels players will have two or more affixes on them at a time, changing on a weekly basis. This makes the higher Mythic+ runs more of a challenge and a more varied difficulty of content outside of Raiding.

Of course, being on Alpha, everything is not final, but I hope the system doesn’t change too much from the current build. If it does I hope they improve on this fantastic idea.

The current five-man system in Warlords of Draenor received a lot of negative feedback from the player base, who found it too easy and not rewarding enough once you out geared the content. These Mythic+ dungeons will definitely up the ante on the content that will be available at max level in Legion.

What are your thoughts on the Mythic+ dungeons coming with Legion? Comment below, would love to hear your views.

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