What A Thrill: Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Finally, Finally Announced (UPDATED)

Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 3

After roughly one thousand different rumours, random bits of conjecture, and no doubt horrible UE5 reimaginings on YouTube, the time has finally come. The Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater remake is real, and it was announced as part of Sony’s PlayStation Showcase 2023.

Often cited as one of the best PlayStation 2 games of all time and one of the best full stop, the MGS3 remake is going to drop the 3, presumably to stop any confusion. However, there is also a Greek triangle in the name and it will be called METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER. Read that as Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. It is Metal Gear, after all. It’s not always going to make sense.

Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 3

Check out the trailer below.

Here’s the brief synopsis from Konami:

METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER is a faithful remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. A new generation of players and loyal fans alike can experience the origin story of the famed Big Boss, and witness how his legend was forged in the crucible of Operation Snake Eater.

And here’s some very clean screenshots:

Here’s what the mysteriously unnamed dev team had to say about this remake:

We are remaking Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, one of the most beloved instalments of the METAL GEAR series, revealing the origin story of Snake, as METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER. We are working hard for METAL GEAR SOLID Δ: SNAKE EATER to be a faithful recreation of the original story and game design, while evolving the gameplay with stunning visuals and a seamless user experience.

Metal Gear Solid 3 follows Naked Snake as he makes his way into a 1960s Soviet jungle setting to try and put an end to the prospect of a nuclear war. But it’s not long before friends become allies in this gripping Cold War drama that is part deadly serious and also partly ghosts.

It’s going to be hard for this remake to top the original Metal Gear Solid 3, that’s for sure. The chronological starting point for all things Metal Gear, Snake Eater represented Kojima at arguably his most expressive and creative, with the 2005 classic featuring unique mechanics like camouflage, waiting for old men to die, and climbing ladders for minutes at a time. Here’s hoping it’s a big success so that we see more of Metal Gear once again after such a long wait, and eventually remake the actual best MGS game: Metal Gear Solid 2.

No news on a release date just yet, but it will be coming to PC, PS5, and Xbox Series.

READ NEXT: Ranking the Metal Gear Solid Games From The Original To The Phantom Pain

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