Humanity Tests Itself with Twitch Plays Pokémon Go

Twitch Plays Pokemon Go

If you haven’t heard, “Twitch Plays” are some of the most enduring tests of patience and human spirit you can find in the world of gaming. I personally can’t be involved with one for longer than a minute before launching whatever’s closest to hand through a window, but plenty of people adore them, going on to collaborate on one huge group effort to complete monstrous games like Dark Souls.

Twitch has already played and completed Pokémon in the past, so now it’s obviously time for the next big challenge: Pokémon Go. Quite how this is going to work without the app crashing every five minutes, I will never know.

As Pokémon Go is touchscreen and Twitch viewers are mainly keyboard, the game has been, uh, gamed to split the screen into a grid – a specific key press then specifies which grid the player should move to. The game has also been manipulated to allow the Twitch Plays to take place, but as it’s Nintendo and Nintendo seem to hate the internet, it might not last for long. They’re cool with that, though:

“If Niantic or Nintendo wishes to ban the account that Twitch is playing with, they’re more than welcome to, but we assume that they understand that this is all in good fun.”

According to an FAQ: “Twitch started playing in Central Park, NYC. Where they are now is anyone’s guess.”

You can watch and even interact with the stream here, which has already had more views and earned more followers than our channel has in two years. Not bitter. Nope.

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