Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Manon Master Guide

"The pleasure is mine."

Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6 has certainly been killing it with the new character designs, with much of the pre-release hype about the game seeing fans gush over newcomers like Marisa and Manon. Manon in particular has been particularly well-received, and it’s not hard to see why, considering her blend of ballet-like elegance and judo-inspired throws are as beautiful as they are brutal.

A unique grappler, Manon puts a sophisticated twist on the classic fighting game archetype. Compared to fellow roster member Zangief, Manon’s throws are displays of grace more than they are strength, but she’ll still grind your bones into dust if you’re not careful. A fighter like that makes for a great master to train under, and if you want your player avatar to throw people like the world’s strongest ballet dancer, this how to become Manon’s student in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode.


Street Fighter 6 World Tour | Manon Master Guide

During Chapter 7-3, head over to Beat Square to find a rather dweebish looking dude by the name of Manager Oscar, who’s trying to find “tall, beautiful boys” that are willing to travel to France so they can get dropped on their head. As a glutton for punishment, you happily volunteer, only for Oscar to inform you that said participants need to be wearing a Judo Gi. No gi, no going headfirst into the ground.

Obtaining the Judo Gi is pretty straightforward, but if you didn’t know where to look, it could easily become a nightmare for some players. Simply visit the Drippin’ Style clothing shop located right next to Oscar, and purchase the Gi (Top) and Gi (Bottom) pieces, equipping them on either your equipment or appearance loadouts. Make sure that you don’t edit the colour of the gi, as we’ve found that Oscar doesn’t seem to know what a gi looks like if it isn’t white. Once you’re dressed for the occasion, speak to him again and you’re off to France to meet Manon (and the pavement) for yourself.

Once you’ve arrived in France and watched the introductory cutscene, you’ll be challenged by the fellow extras who appeared in Manon’s film. After dispatching with those three goons and sitting through some conversations, you’ll be face to face with Manon herself in a standard match. Manon is a tougher customer than your regular World Tour fare, but with a few recovery items in your back pocket for emergency’s sake, you should be fine. Just watch out for her throws, as they’re pretty devastating.

Once you’ve defeated Manon, she’ll agree to becoming your master, allowing you to learn the ways of tossing people and treating them like a discus.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.

READ MORE: Street Fighter 6 World Tour – Cammy Master Guide

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