Street Fighter 6 World Tour – How To Change Equipment Colour

Stylin' and profilin'.

Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode is amazing, not just for its gameplay, but for its ability to allow players to express their unbridled creativity with their own created avatars. You can make your avatar as lifelike or as monstrous as you like, as SF6’s robust creation engine caters to players of all kinds, but one important aspect of character creation is controlling the clothes and equipment that you wear.

More specifically, it’s about having control over the colour of your clothes, your accessories and everything in between. Changing the colour of your outfits is a bit of a process however, so if you’re hoping to change up your style a little, here’s what you need to know about changing the colour of your equipment in Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode.


Street Fighter 6 World Tour | How To Change Equipment Colour

In order to change your equipment colour, you need to obtain coloured dye, which comes in a number of different varieties like Black, White, Blue, Green and so on. Dye can be obtained by completing challenges while fighting goons or the random citizens you encounter throughout World Tour mode. It can also be found in destroyable crates and barrels you’ll see scattered around Metro City and Nayshall, and in the floating packages you’ll see in those areas. You’ll need to use Master Skills in order to obtain those floating items.

Once you’ve got hold of some dye, head on other to one of the various apparel shops you can find throughout World Tour mode, and select the option to change the colour of your clothing. You’ll have a few options to choose from, and each one will require different amounts and combinations of dye. Getting a hold of the dye can be quite annoying at first, but during the later stages of World Tour, you’re probably rolling in dye by then.

Street Fighter 6 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.

READ MORE: Street Fighter 6 (Xbox Series X) REVIEW – Return of the King

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