Starfield: How To Unlock The Combat Slide

Careful you don't hurt your knees.


Combat sliding has become one of those bread and butter staples in shooters these days, as the ability to transition quickly from sprinting to a crouched position is quite useful. Why continue getting shot when you can just slide into cover instead? At first glance, Bethesda’s new RPG Starfield might seem outdated with a lack of combat slide, but the ability is there, you just need to put some effort in to unlock it. Here’s everything you should know about how to unlock the combat slide in Starfield.


Starfield: How To Unlock The Combat Slide

In order to unlock the combat slide, you’ll need to acquire the Gymnastics skill, which can be found on the second tier of the Physical skill tree. While that sounds simple enough, you need to actually purchase four skills from the first tier of the tree in order to unlock the second one, so you’ll need to invest a few levels and skill points before you can slide around the Frontier. That being said, certain starting classes begin the game with more points in the Physical skill tree, which makes unlocking the combat slide ability much easier.

Once you’ve purchase the first tier of the Gymnastics skill, you’ll be able to combat slide whenever you like outside of zero-gravity situations. In order to do so, simply press the crouch button while sprinting and you’ll slide. On the one hand, it’s a useful ability if you’re looking to transition into cover, but if you’re expecting some kind of ridiculous Apex Legends level slide, Starfield will disappoint you. If nothing else, the reduced fall damage and other perks you unlock from the Gymnastics skill more than make up for how weak the combat slide actually is. At least now you know how to do it.

Starfield is available now on PC and Xbox Series X & S.

READ MORE: Starfield: How To Equip Weapons To Your Favorites

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