The Snyder Cut Finally Has A Release Date

A project that went from being a theoretical pipe dream, to a tangible product.


Zack Snyder just tweeted the release date of his version of Justice League, which will air on HBO Max March 18, 2021.

Snyder tweeted a series of pictures that came with the release date. Each picture has a different caption, beginning with “Fallen”, moving onto “Risen”, and then ending with “Reborn”. This is of course the trajectory of our superheroes, since 2017 version began with Superman’s death and its impact on relationships, before the team regrouped and became a united front.

Snyder, as always, knows how to hype and market his films, and already his tweets are sending fans into a tailspin.


What’s the Format?

While we finally have a release date, what we still don’t know is how the movie will be presented to us. Snyder made the surprising revelation that it will be a four-hour long movie, and not a mini-series as some were speculating. So, will it be released as one four-hour film, or will there be breaks in between to demarcate different segments?

It’s interesting that HBO Max didn’t try to capitalise on the Snyder Cut, and release it in one hour bits over the course of four weeks, since it will keep people on the streaming platform for a longer period of time. It is also unusual since people don’t usually sit through four-hour long movies, but it is on a streaming platform, so we have the option of taking a break and catching up when we want to.

More news about Zack Snyder’s Justice League should be announced in the coming weeks.

READ NEXT: What If the Snyder Cut of Justice League Is Even Worse?

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