Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Delayed Until Late April By CI Games

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 has been delayed until the end of month, missing its release date for the second time after a previous delay meant it missed its January window.

As quick as fans may be to turn to disappointment, it may actually turn out for the better. Using the feedback they received from the game’s beta, CI Games are taking comments on board and trying to enact them before its release. This late development flurry means Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will come out on April 25th instead of April 4th.

CEO of CI Games, Marek Tyminski, had this to say in a statement:

“We’ve worked tirelessly creating a whole new Sniper: Ghost Warrior experience set in an ambitiously crafted open world new to the series. While it’s an unfortunate decision to delay the game one last time, we believe these final changes will result in a better experience for players worldwide on day one.”

As recent history has proved, a delay doesn’t always spell bad news. I’m starting to come around to the thinking that it’s a positive in a weird way. At least some developers are taking the time to make sure a game is properly ready before launch.

Ghost Warrior 3 goes down The Witcher 3 route by being totally different compared to its predecessors. It will be open world and feature multiplayer. Sounds like it might be a lot of fun, but comparisons to Sniper Elite 4 will always be inevitable.

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