Single of the Week: Barbarisms – ‘Easier All The Time’


Trying to find a genuinely good Single of the Week is always a challenge. I think I usually do ok, and this week is no exception.

Barbarisms are a Stockholm based trio, made up of three guys by the names of Tom, Robin, and Nicholas, who come together to create sun drenched Americana, clearly drawing sonic influences from Kings of Leon and early Black Keys records.

The band’s self-titled debut album is released on September 22nd and will be available in both 12” Vinyl and MP3 formats.

My Single of the Week goes to the first track from the album, ‘Easier All The Time’. The song opens with a spree of warm, melancholic riffs, played atop a base layer of laid back drums. The vocals open only seconds into the song, and the all-consuming crackling soulfulness of Nicholas Faraone’s voice glides and dives into the listener’s ear drums, smothering them in musicalized syrup.

The general sound of the song revolves around classic indie rock and americana, with slow, flowing chords and riffs that emote rays of sunshine and the mellow swaying of palm trees.

This is a song that I really recommend you listen to, if you’re a fan of bands such as the Kings of Leon, The War On Dugs, or The Alabama Shakes, then this track is right up your street.

An incredible three and a half minutes of music that’ll leave you warmed and yearning for the just gone summer days.

Look out for Barbarisms in the future, if they continue to produce tracks like this, they are going places.

Video directed and edited by  Daniel Nordgren

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