Scorn: How To Restore Health

Scorn restore health
Scorn restore health

While it’s not action horror game in the same way that something like Resident Evil is, there’s still a lot of things that want to kill you in Scorn, and a lot of ways in which this mysterious world wants to stop you on your mysterious pilgrimage. So how do you restore health?

To restore health in Scorn, players have to find medical stations like those pictured above, which you will first come across after making decent progress in the game during Act 2. There isn’t much that can damage you before this point in the game, but you should still beware of some of the strange creatures around.

Once you’ve been “paired” with something in Act 2, you can then approach these medical stations and interact with them to receive health, which you can then use with your dedicated restore health button, which is E on keyboard.

Players will restore up to 2 bars of health at a time when restoring health in Scorn, but bear in mind that once you use all of the gross “medpacks” at a health station, you cannot take any more from them.

Scorn is available on PC, Xbox Series X & S, and Xbox One.

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