Scalebound Trailers Removed From Xbox’s YouTube Channel


“What? Scalebound? Never heard of it. Do you mean Kameo?”

– Microsoft, 2017

It might have come as a shock to plenty of people that Scalebound, one of the Xbox One’s only shining lights for 2017, was abruptly cancelled. Not only was this a AAA title that had been in development for years, but Microsoft had made quite a big deal of promoting it as something that would shift them a few consoles.

Now they don’t want anything to do with it.

Scalebound trailers and general footage can no longer be found on Xbox’s YouTube channel, so much so that there’s only one scrap left: a glimpse in an E3 2016 montage.

You can still find plenty of Scalebound on Platinum’s YouTube page, luckily. Still, this is highly unusual – Microsoft are either trying to sweep it under the rug or have licensing issues.

Weirdly enough, Scalebound can still be found on the Xbox website as a product, but everything else redirects to the homepage. That “Coming Soon” message.

Scalebound Xbox

Nevertheless, it’s hard to believe that Scalebound is completely dead. With Hideki Kamiya as its director and so much work already being completed, leave it to Sony or Nintendo to swoop in and pick up the pieces for a PR freebie and yeah, maybe a finished game.

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