In a couple of weeks, Ridley Scott’s latest film, The Martian, will land in cinemas. The early buzz suggests the Matt Damon flick could be Scott’s first solid gold hit in a while. How does Scott plan to spend this new found goodwill? By bringing us a whole catalogue of new Prometheus films.
In an interview with German site FilmFlutter, the veteran British director let slip his plans for the future of his pet project franchise. Filmgoers who saw Prometheus will remember that the film is a prequel to the Alien series, the original of which launched Scott’s career back in 1979.
When FilmFlutter asked if we’d be seeing any Aliens in the recently announced Prometheus 2, Scott said no. What he did say was this: “It will be in the one after this one or maybe even a fourth film before we get back into the Alien franchise.”
Whether 20th Century Fox are as enthusiastic as Scott about so many films isn’t clear. The first Prometheus wasn’t the hit out of the park movie studios seem to expect for blockbusters these days. Scott is an industry legend though, and has spent nearly four decades learning how Hollywood wheeling and dealing works. Maybe he knows something we don’t.
The comments may also have fellow director Neill Blomkamp sweating. The South African filmmaker, famous for District 13 and Elysium, currently has his name chalked in for a new big budget Alien movie. If Scott is saying such a film won’t happen until the Prometheus series has run its course, Blomkamp could find himself looking for a new gig sooner than he expected.
Prometheus 2 is pencilled in for a 2017 release, with original stars Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender returning. The Martian hits movie theatres across earth in October, but received a special early screening on the International Space Station.
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