Q&A with Kris Carter

We caught up with the awesome Kris Carter after bumping into him at Wales Comic Con.

Kris Carter

1) How are you, Kris?

Not too bad. I could complain HUGELY, but it would change nothing and achieve nothing, so I’ll not bother!


2) Tell us a little bit about how you became a colorist and illustrator.

I’ve always liked to draw, but I know my scribbling’s ain’t quite pro-quality yet. In the mid-2000’s I’d drawn some Transformers fan-comics, and paid Josh Burcham (one of the Transformers colourists) to colour them. For various reasons, Josh couldn’t complete the books as he was stretched pretty thin. So I took it upon myself to colour my own stuff, and make it match Josh’s work. Didn’t turn out too badly, but it’s still very basic to my colours now, about 8 years later!


3) What was your first job within the arts?

First paid work was as a designer for a newspaper in Indiana, designing adverts and later n actually managing the design and pre-press department. My first paid colour work was for IDW’s Transformers: Devestation series, I filled in on three pages in issue 5… that was a good feeling!


4) Is there a specific style you think people would say is ‘The Kris Carter’?
Kris Carter

Not really… looking back on a lot of my stuff from 2010-2011 it now has an odd yellow tinge to it. Probably not a good thing! My drawn stuff has a very basic feel, very sparse on detail!


5) At what point during your career working on newspapers did you decide to change things up?

When my first marriage broke down really. If that hadn’t happened, I would have stuck with the papers… when I moved back to the UK following my divorce, I did try and get back into papers then.  I stumbled into comics by mistake really.


6) Where did the inspiration for the brilliant and a little bit mad Lou Scannon series come from?
Lou Scannon

My college compatriot Dan Harris created Lou, and the characters and main story. He did that in 2001, and then did bog all with them, so I badgered him until we finally got the book off the ground. I think my continuous lack of care for drawing his designs on-model spurred Dan into action on the art front. We then brought our friend Jim Bampfield on board, and the team was off and running!


7) Are then any other projects you have lined up?

Another comedy book called Bruce Outback, which I’m also animating as a short story for my Animation MA degree. I may be colouring another book for Sam Roads (Kristo). More Lou Scannon. Various bits and bobs here and there really!


8) If you had to take three comic books or graphic novels with you to a desert island, what would they be?

The Complete Calvin and Hobbs. The Far Side. That’s it really, I don’t read many comics, so I don’t know what’d be worth grabbing!


9) And finally, who would win in a bare knuckle boxing match between Postman Pat and Fireman Sam?

Sam would cane Pat. He’s a fireman! Versus a postie! No chance. Pat is hitting the bricks minus his front teeth, no question.


Find out more about Lou Scannon by visiting: louscannon.co.uk

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