PowerWash Simulator Cleans Up With 7 Million Players

Powerwash Simulator
Powerwash Simulator

PowerWash Simulator has been something of breakout hit for FuturLab and Square Enix, so much so that it’s one of the latter’s only certified hits of late. It’s been such a clean sweep, in fact, that it has managed to mop up 7 million players since its launch in July 2022, doubling the same figure from six months ago. If they keep doubling at this rate, they may soon catch up to GTA 5.

This figure does seem to consolidate copies sold and Game Pass players, but is still a pretty significant milestone, especially from a relatively small team working on a game that initially launched in Early Access. For comparison, Horizon Forbidden West, likely one of the most expensive games ever made, has sold 8.4 million units worldwide as of April 16, 2023.

Kirsty Rigden, Co-CEO, FuturLab on the news:

“With over 7 million players, we are honoured that so many people have found their zen with PowerWash Simulator. The strength in our community is palpable. Since we launched into Early Access, the support for our soothing sim has been immense, and we are extremely grateful that this has continued to strengthen past release.”

The aim of the game is simple: get your pressure washer out and clean up all the muck that you see, kind of similarly to the cult classic Viscera Cleanup Detail but without all the blood. There’s also Tomb Raider in it. That’s neat.

I’ve not actually played PowerWash Simulator just yet, but I may have to get my practice in for the real thing once AI takes my job after making what I do obsolete. The robots can’t get wet, after all.

PowerWash Simulator is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S, and Switch

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