Pokemon Sun and Moon: Oh, Meowth, What Have They Done to You?

Source: Serebii

There isn’t long to go until Pokemon Sun and Moon, so the developers have decided to do something that will surely get a lot of fans on their side: fiddle with the classic design of one of the original Pokemon. Meowth is getting a bit of a makeover.

Revealed in Japanese magazine CoroCoro and uploaded online by Serebii, the new Meowth looks like it’s inspired by the acient Egyptian depiction of cats. It sort of suits considering Sun and Moon’s sandy locales, but that doesn’t stop Meowth’s new colour from looking just like this.

Parma Violets
Source: www.foodsofengland.co.uk

Not a huge fan of this tweak, but I am admittedly pretty stuck in my ways. What do you think? Will it stop you from pre-ordering Sun and Moon for 3DS? Bit silly if so, but fair enough.

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