Ones to Watch: Flyying Colours

flyying colours interview

If you’ve been reading our newest new music feature, Pulse, you might be familiar with Flyying Colours from their appearance in its second volume. If you haven’t been reading it, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Though, ya know, it should be a free world so you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I won’t be your friend if you don’t.

Anyway, Flyying Colours are a brilliant shoegaze band with tabs of psychedelia in the mix that bring to mind the likes of My Bloody Valentine, Ride, and current trailblazers like The Horrors. They hail from the merry old land of Oz, comin’ straight outta Melbourne, and this is my bit of a chinwag with Flyying Colour Brodie. Have a butcher’s, enjoy, then check the band out if you haven’t already.

Flyying Colour

Hello there, and how the hell are you?

Excellent! We are getting ready for our trip to Brisbane for BIGSOUND!

How did you guys originally get together?

I had been writing with Flyying Colours in mind for a few years and we have all been close friends since school, so when we were all in Melbourne at the same time in 2011 we were finally able to form the band.

What would you say you’re all about, to lure our readers in?

I’m not too sure, we’re a psych/shoegaze band who are a lot about the 90s so if you dig that kind of thing…

Are there any plans for popping along to these shores for some shows anytime soon?

Our first European tour will be at the start of next year with the US to follow hopefully not too long after that.

Is there much of a psychedelic and/or shoegaze scene out in Australia? Any contemporaries you think we should check out?

There is a great scene, particularly here in Melbourne. We love playing with bands like Lowtide and Contrast who everyone should check out, and Day Ravies + The Laurels in Sydney.

What’s been your proudest moment as a band so far?

We have had a lot of good times, putting out new recordings is always ace.

As a band, what is the dream/main goal/big ambition?

Currently we are super focused on recording our first album and then touring other parts of the world.

What would be your favourite colour to see fly?


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