Nivelle Nights: DICE Reveal New Battlefield 1 Map Exclusive to Premium Players

Battlefield 1

If you need more areas to be harrowed in by the horrors of The Great War, you’re in luck. Battlefield 1 will be getting a new map, Nivelle Nights, and DICE have already teased what to expect.

Here’s the haunting description DICE have supplied with it:

“As darkness falls over the muddy battlefields around Malmaison and Soupir, French and German batteries prepare to yet again support their troops on the contested ground.

“The moon, the searchlights, and the artillery lights up the night skies, exposing the vast network of trenches.”

And a screenshot:

Battlefield 1 new map

Apart from it coming out in June, we don’t have anything else to off of, except for the fact that it has some similarities to an area found in War Stories. Nivelle Nights will be exclusive to Premium owners, which is the first time content has been locked away completely from base game players. However, DICE did reveal that free maps will be coming throughout 2017.

Reviewing Battlefield 1 at release, we had plenty to praise:

“Not just one of the best FPS games of the year, but one of the best overall. DICE have taken a step backwards with Battlefield 1 but taken many forward at the same time. For once, a game where you can believe the hype.”

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