New Overwatch Hero Baptiste Sounds Absolutely Broken

Release now, patch later.


After a brief tease a few days ago, Blizzard have officially confirmed that Jean-Baptiste Augustin will be the 30th hero joining the Overwatch roster, and that he’s playable on the PTR right now. His list of abilities are available to dissect, and is it just us or does he seem a little bit broken?

A new origin video gives players a look into Baptiste’s story. A troubled child, Baptiste was recruited into the villainous Talon, but after realising the harm they were causing the world, he makes the decision to leave and strike out on his own, granting immortality 8 seconds at a time. We’ll get into that in a moment.

While his origin story is decent, it’s his abilities that have received the most attention, and rightfully so. His primary fire is a burst fire SMG that does a high amount of damage, while his secondary fire launches healing grenades at allies, earning him the title of “combat medic”.

As for his abilities, his Exo Boots passive allows him to clear obstacles that’d be impossible for other characters, giving him greater flanking options that most support characters. His Regenerative Burst ability heals himself and allies within the vicinity, while his Immortality Field prevents allies from dying while active. Thankfully, the field can be destroyed, but it’s an ability that sounds like it would turn fortunes around in the clutch.

Lastly, his ultimate ability is the Amplification Matrix, a small window that doubles the damage of allied damage and healing projectiles. Baptiste already does decent damage anyway, but this ultimate really pushes things to the point of broken, especially as it can be combined with Ana’s Nano Boost, Orisa’s Supercharger and Mercy’s Damage Boost abilities. Also, pairing this ult with a turret form Bastion sounds like the stuff of nightmares.

As Baptiste is currently available on the PTR on PC, we’ll get feedback soon enough on whether or not he’s truly broken, but one thing is certain: Baptiste is definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with, and you couldn’t ask for more when celebrating your 30th hero.

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